Falling Out Of Health Habits - whether you are a gym junkie, a spin head or a yoga guru, during the holidays, many of our good habits tend to go out the window. And when you stop doing the things that make you feel good like regular exercise or only eating healthy snacks, the holidays can get you out of those good habits you spent all year developing! This can open up the door for bad habits like overeating or smoking to rear their ugly heads again. And maybe you can justify that “having just one” or “it’s ok to buy a pack ‘cause it’s the holidays”, but a relapse during the holidays can be an issue.

Remind yourself of why you quit - if the urge to reach for a cigarette does arise, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself why you quit smoking in the first place. You have beat the nicotine withdrawal symptoms in the past and you don’t want to go through that again. Remember how much money you are saving by not smoking! Remember how good you feel! Pick 3 or 4 of these powerful little reminders and use those as your mantra during the holidays so you don’t smoke!
Avoiding triggers - this might be a hard one, but trying to avoid certain triggers that used to make you smoke in the past can help you stay smoke free during the holidays. Balancing the big binge drinking session by trying to drink water every other round or swapping out the take-away for a healthier home cooked meal might help you fight the evil urges to light up! We know it’s hard to do as we love having a few too many bevvies ourselves, but if you are going to partake in the holiday spirits or wine or beer, maybe having a nicotine replacement therapy product like patches, nicotine gum or an e-cigarette will give you a healthier safety net if the triggers get too much!
Switch to vaping - if you are smoking or have recently gone cold turkey, treating yourself to an e-cigarette or vape device could be a great way to stay off the cigarettes over Christmas. They are designed to mimic the sensation of smoking without the tar or 2nd-hand smoke or 4,000 chemicals that are found in traditional cigarettes. E-Cigarettes are now recognized by Public Health England as being “at least 95% less harmful” than normal cigarettes and are one of the most effective smoking cessation methods around. So if you are trying to stay smoke-free or looking to kick the habit for good, switching to vaping is one of the best ways to keep your hands busy and to fight the cravings!

Get help from friends and family - staying smoke free during the holidays can be easier if you enlist help and support from your friends and family. These are your peeps! They are the ones who give you support when you need it most. Tell them you are trying to quit or that you want to try an e-cigarette to help you quit. More than likely, your family will welcome the change and will help you to stay healthy and smoke free!
Don’t give up - quitting smoking is hard. We know, we’ve been there and done that a number of times. Staying off the cigarettes is a battle that you need to fight one day at a time. Using an e-cigarette can help you to break the habit of smoking as it has for millions of people around the world. If you find that you have fallen off the smoke-free wagon, don’t quit quitting!! Wake up the next day, bin the pack of ciggies and reach for your e-cigarette instead. You will thank yourself for it in the long run!

If you are still smoking and looking to kick the habit for the holidays and for your New Year Resolution, check out some of our most popular e-cigarette and vape starter kits that are designed to make quitting smoking easier!