Vermittelt sofort das realistische Gefühl des Rauchens, ohne Teer oder Rauch aus zweiter Hand. Britische Ärzte empfehlen sie, da sie im Vergleich zu Zigaretten 95 % weniger schädlich ist. Und es ist nur ein Bruchteil der Kosten.

The Vape POD E-Cigarette Starter Kit is the perfect choice for those looking for a simple and easy to use vape device. Whether you have used an E-Cigarette before or not, the POD can help.
An upgraded and updated design, the POD was made to be small and discreet, yet give a satisfying throat hit and great taste with every puff.
The Vape POD Starter Kit includes:
1x Quick Charging Rechargeable Battery
1x USB C Charging Cable
1x Designer SMOKO Metal Tin
The Vape POD Starter Kit doesn't come with Vape PODs. If you are just starting make sure to check out our great Vape POD Starter Kit Bundle!
The Vape POD Refill is SMOKO’s newest design, and is an incredible piece of engineering for smokers trying to quit.
Our simplest and most hassle-free design yet, the set up is as easy as slotting a POD into the battery and then start puffing away!
Each Vape POD is pre-filled with a UK made flavoured nicotine liquid that is heated up and vapourized to create a smoke-like vapour. You then inhale this vapour as you would a normal cigarette.
With SMOKO, the POD refills are pre-filled and use our UK-made e-liquids, so there is no messing around with refilling or changing coils and there is no leaking.
The UK made e-liquid only contains 4 ingredients, compared to the 4,000+ chemicals and 50 known carcinogens that are found in tobacco.
If you are a smoker then more than likely you have tried to quit cigarettes before. Before E-Cigarettes the only options when quitting smoking were to go cold turkey (which almost never works) or to use a NTRs (Nicotine Replacement Therapies. Though things like nicotine gum helped, the success rate was still low.
With the introduction of E-Cigarettes and Vapes, a new option for smokers looking to quit arrived.
As Vapes give the same feeling and taste of tobacco (without the 4000+ chemicals & 50+ carcinogens) E-Cigarettes quickly became more popular as alternatives to NTR’s.
Because Vape PODs don't have these carcinogens and chemicals that are found in every cigarette, the leading doctors like Public Health England and medical groups now say that ”e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes”.
So, if you are looking to stop smoking in 2024, why not try one of our 5-star reviewed e-cigarette or vape starter kits.
Our Cigalike Starter Kit comes with a rechargeable battery, 2 flavour refills, a USB Charger and come in our stylish metal tin. The SMOKO Cigalike uses the SMOKO E-Cigarette Refills , which come in a wide range of flavours and nicotine strengths. Each pack of cigalike refills replaces over 6 packs of traditional cigarettes.
The VAPE POD Starter Kit comes with a rechargeable battery, USB C Charging Cable and also come in our designer metal case. The SMOKO VAPE POD uses the SMOKO VAPE POD Refills, which are available in 16 realistic flavours and wide range of nicotine and nicotine free strengths. Each pack of VAPE Pod refills replaces over 7 packs of tailor-made cigarettes.
Either of these vape kits may help you achieve your quit smoking attempt and give you the support to live smoke-free!
The Vape POD E-Cigarette Starter Kit is the perfect choice for those looking for a simple and easy to use vape device. Whether you have used an E-Cigarette before or not, the POD can help.
An upgraded and updated design, the POD was made to be small and discreet, yet give a satisfying throat hit and great taste with every puff.
The Vape POD Starter Kit includes:
1x Quick Charging Rechargeable Battery
1x USB C Charging Cable
1x Designer SMOKO Metal Tin
The Vape POD Starter Kit doesn't come with Vape PODs. If you are just starting make sure to check out our great Vape POD Starter Kit Bundle!
The Vape POD Refill is SMOKO’s newest design, and is an incredible piece of engineering for smokers trying to quit.
Our simplest and most hassle-free design yet, the set up is as easy as slotting a POD into the battery and then start puffing away!
Each Vape POD is pre-filled with a UK made flavoured nicotine liquid that is heated up and vapourized to create a smoke-like vapour. You then inhale this vapour as you would a normal cigarette.
With SMOKO, the POD refills are pre-filled and use our UK-made e-liquids, so there is no messing around with refilling or changing coils and there is no leaking.
The UK made e-liquid only contains 4 ingredients, compared to the 4,000+ chemicals and 50 known carcinogens that are found in tobacco.
If you are a smoker then more than likely you have tried to quit cigarettes before. Before E-Cigarettes the only options when quitting smoking were to go cold turkey (which almost never works) or to use a NTRs (Nicotine Replacement Therapies. Though things like nicotine gum helped, the success rate was still low.
With the introduction of E-Cigarettes and Vapes, a new option for smokers looking to quit arrived.
As Vapes give the same feeling and taste of tobacco (without the 4000+ chemicals & 50+ carcinogens) E-Cigarettes quickly became more popular as alternatives to NTR’s.
Because Vape PODs don't have these carcinogens and chemicals that are found in every cigarette, the leading doctors like Public Health England and medical groups now say that ”e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes”.
So, if you are looking to stop smoking in 2024, why not try one of our 5-star reviewed e-cigarette or vape starter kits.
Our Cigalike Starter Kit comes with a rechargeable battery, 2 flavour refills, a USB Charger and come in our stylish metal tin. The SMOKO Cigalike uses the SMOKO E-Cigarette Refills , which come in a wide range of flavours and nicotine strengths. Each pack of cigalike refills replaces over 6 packs of traditional cigarettes.
The VAPE POD Starter Kit comes with a rechargeable battery, USB C Charging Cable and also come in our designer metal case. The SMOKO VAPE POD uses the SMOKO VAPE POD Refills, which are available in 16 realistic flavours and wide range of nicotine and nicotine free strengths. Each pack of VAPE Pod refills replaces over 7 packs of tailor-made cigarettes.
Either of these vape kits may help you achieve your quit smoking attempt and give you the support to live smoke-free!
Immer noch nicht überzeugt, warum Sie von Zigaretten auf SMOKO umsteigen sollten?
Hier ist ein Vergleich der Kosten von Zigaretten und SMOKO Vapes.
*Der Sparrechner basiert auf dem Durchschnittspreis einer Zigarettenschachtel in einem großen Lebensmittelgeschäft und geht von einem erwachsenen Raucher aus, der 20 Zigaretten pro Tag konsumiert. Die Preise sind ein Durchschnitt der 3 wichtigsten Zigarettenmarken. Die Kosten für SMOKO basieren auf dem Verbrauch von 1/2 SMOKO VAPE Refill pro Tag.

Alle führenden britischen Mediziner sind sich inzwischen einig, dass E-Zigaretten WENIGER SCHÄDLICH sind als normale Zigaretten! Tatsächlich sagt Public Health England : "E-Zigaretten sind MINDESTENS 95 % WENIGER SCHÄDLICH als das Rauchen herkömmlicher Zigaretten".

Das SMOKO VAPE KIT ist etwas größer als eine normale Zigarette, fühlt sich aber an wie eine Zigarette und bietet ein befriedigendes Rauchgefühl, jedoch ohne die 4.000 schädlichen Chemikalien oder 50 bekannten Karzinogene, die in herkömmlichen Zigaretten enthalten sind.
Wenn Sie also eine realistische Alternative zum Rauchen suchen, die nach Meinung führender Ärzte "95% weniger schädlich", dann ist das SMOKO VAPE KIT eine gute Wahl!

Unsere SMOKO VAPE POD Starter Kits funktionieren mit unserem fantastischen Sortiment an VAPE POD Nachfüllpacks. Mit 16 verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen und einer breiten Palette von Nikotinstärken zur Auswahl gibt es das perfekte Vape für jeden erwachsenen Raucher, der mit dem Zigarettenrauchen aufhören möchte!
Einfach zu bedienen, schön gestaltet und enthält unsere Made in the UK E-Liquids, so dass Sie wissen, dass Sie das beste Vape in Großbritannien bekommen.