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Best Menthol Disposable Vape

When it comes to the best menthol disposable vape, the top contenders combine refreshing flavour with convenience and reliability. Leading brands such as Puff Bar, Breeze, and Hyde have garnered attention for their high-quality menthol offerings. These vapes deliver a crisp, cool menthol hit that satisfies both newcomers and experienced vapers. Key features to look for include consistent vapour production, a long-lasting internal battery, and a smooth, invigorating taste. Whether you're seeking a quick nicotine fix or an enjoyable, minty experience, these menthol disposable vaping devices are designed to meet your needs effortlessly, making them the best choices on the market.

What Are Disposable Vapes?

Disposable vape kits are compact devices, pre-filled with e-liquid designed for single use, offering a convenient and hassle-free alternative to traditional refillable vapes. These devices come pre-charged and ready to use right out of the box, eliminating the need for maintenance, refilling, or recharging, providing an effortless vaping experience. Typically containing a built-in battery and a pre-filled e-liquid reservoir, disposable vapes utilise inhale activation technology and are perfect for those who prefer a straightforward vaping experience without the commitment of reusable devices. Once the e-liquid is depleted or the pre-charged battery dies, the entire device is simply discarded. Their ease of use, portability, and variety of flavours make disposable vapes a popular choice among both novice and seasoned vapers.

How Are Disposable Vapes Different from Non-Disposable Vapes?

Disposable vape kits differ from non-disposable vapes in several key ways, primarily in terms of convenience, maintenance, and cost. Disposable devices come pre-filled with vape juice and are ready to use straight out of the package, requiring no charging or refilling. They are designed for single use, meaning they are discarded once the e-liquid or battery is depleted.

This contrasts with non-disposable vapes, which are reusable devices that require regular maintenance such as recharging the battery, potentially refilling the e-liquid, and occasionally replacing coils. While disposable vape pens offer a hassle-free, on-the-go solution, rechargeable vape kits are often more cost-effective in the long run and provide greater customisation options, such as adjustable settings, adjustable airflow and a wide variety of e-liquid flavours. Additionally, non-disposable vapes tend to be more environmentally friendly, as they generate less waste compared to their single-use counterparts.

Will disposable vapes help me quit smoking?

Disposable vape bars can be a helpful tool for those looking to quit smoking, offering a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes. These devices deliver nicotine in a vapour form, which eliminates many of the harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke which is one of the reasons Public Health England's evidence reviews find E-Cigarettes to be at least 95% less harmful than smoking (1). The convenience and ease of use of these single-use devices makes them accessible for smokers seeking a straightforward alternative to cigarettes.

Additionally, the variety of flavours and nicotine strengths available in disposable kits can cater to individual preferences, making it easier to manage cravings and gradually reduce nicotine intake. While not a cessation product per se, disposable vapes can be part of a broader strategy to quit smoking, ideally combined with other support methods such as counseling or nicotine replacement therapy. In fact, the largest study conducted on the effectiveness of E-Cigarettes for quitting smoking found 'high-certainty' evidence that vaping is more effective for quitting than traditional nicotine replacement therapy, including nicotine patches and nicotine gum. (2) 

SMOKO E Cigarettes

What Is E-liquid Made Of?

E-liquid, also known as vape juice, is primarily composed of four main ingredients: propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerine (VG), nicotine, and flavourings. Propylene glycol is a colourless, odourless liquid that helps to distribute flavour evenly and provides a throat hit similar to that of smoking tobacco. Vegetable glycerine is a thicker, sweeter liquid that produces dense vapour clouds and adds more body and smoothness to the vapour. Nicotine, an optional ingredient, is included in various concentrations to cater to different preferences, from nicotine-free options to higher strengths for heavy smokers. Lastly, food-grade flavourings are added to create a wide variety of flavours, ranging from traditional tobacco and menthol to fruit, dessert, and beverage-inspired tastes. These components are carefully combined to create a satisfying and customisable vaping experience.

E-liquids can utilise two different types of nicotine - freebase nicotine and nicotine salt. While E-Cigarettes began by using freebase nicotine (nicotine in its purest form), the majority of the disposable range use nicotine salt e-liquid. Nicotine salt is nicotine in it's natural form as it is found in tobacco plants.

How do nic salts affect the vaping experience with disposable vapes?

Nicotine salts, or nic salts, significantly enhance the vaping experience with disposable vapes by providing a smooth throat hit compared to traditional freebase nicotine. Freebase nicotine e-liquids are known for more intense throat hits, especially at higher nicotine levels.

It is thought that Nic salts are absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream, allowing for a more immediate and potent effect, which is particularly beneficial for those looking to curb intense nicotine cravings. In reality, nic salt doesn't get absorbed in the throat like freebase nicotine does, which is why nic salt vaping provides a smooth inhale. As nic salt particles are larger than freebase nicotine particles, as well as having an ionic charge, they have a harder time crossing the lung/blood barrier so it is more likely that a higher volume of nic salt reaches the lungs than with freebase nicotine. This high volume of nic salt creates a steep gradient between the nicotine levels in the lungs and blood, encouraging more nicotine to cross into the blood.

Disposable vapes using nic salt e-liquid can deliver a more consistent flavour experience and smooth throat hit, mimicking the quick nicotine delivery of traditional cigarettes. This makes them an attractive option for both transitioning smokers and experienced vapers seeking a powerful and smooth nicotine hit.

Which Disposable Vape Lasts The Longest?

Determining which disposable vape kit lasts the longest can depend on various factors such as battery capacity, e-liquid capacity, and individual usage habits. Generally, disposables with a larger disposable vape battery capacities and higher e-liquid volumes tend to last longer. Brands like Puff Bar Plus and Hyde Edge are known for their extended battery life and larger e-liquid reservoirs, allowing them to provide more puffs per device compared to standard disposable vapes. However, the actual longevity can also be influenced by how frequently the vape is used and the vaping style of the individual. It's advisable to check product specifications and user reviews to find a disposable vape kit that meets your specific longevity requirements.

In the UK, the legal maximum e-liquid tank size on retail devices is 2ml, as outlined by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (3). This translates to a puff count of around 600 puffs per device, depending on the strength and length of the inhales. This means a heavy vaper could get through one disposable every 1 - 2 days. Many disposable vape brands recently had devices removed from UK shelves due to independent testing that revealed many disposable brands contained more than the legal maximum of 2ml of e-liquid. (4)

Are There Nicotine-Free Menthol Tobacco Disposable Vapes?

Yes, there are a huge range of nicotine strengths out there, including nicotine-free menthol tobacco disposable vapes. These products cater to individuals who enjoy the flavour and sensation of menthol tobacco without the nicotine content. Nicotine-free disposable vapes use no nicotine at all in their e-liquids, making them suitable for those who have successfully quit nicotine or are looking to enjoy vaping without becoming addicted to nicotine. These products offer a similar experience to their nicotine-containing counterparts in terms of flavour and vapour production but provide a non-addictive option for users who prefer to avoid nicotine altogether.

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Why Is My Vape Making a Weird Noise?

If your vape is making a weird noise, it could be due to several common issues. One of the primary causes is the presence of e-liquid in the air passage, which can create a gurgling sound. This usually happens if the vape is overfilled or if it has been stored improperly. Another possible reason is a loose or improperly fitted heating coil, which can cause vibrations and unusual noises. Additionally, a dying or faulty built-in battery might struggle to power the device correctly, leading to inconsistent performance and odd sounds.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the mouthpiece and ensuring the coil is properly secured, can often resolve these issues, though getting at these parts can be almost impossible with disposable vapes. If the noise persists, particularly while not in use, it might be worth checking for any manufacturer defects or considering a replacement device.

How does the cost of disposable vapes compare with pre-filled pod vapes?

The cost comparison between disposable vapes and pre-filled pod vapes can vary depending on several factors. Generally, disposable vapes tend to have a lower upfront cost because they are designed for single-use and do not require additional purchases like replacement pods or coils. However, over time, the cumulative cost of using disposable vapes can add up compared to pre-filled pod vapes, especially if the user vapes frequently. Pre-filled pod vapes often involve purchasing replacement pods, which can be more economical in the long run since only the pod needs to be replaced rather than the entire device. Additionally, the cost effectiveness also depends on the brand and specific model of the vape devices being compared, as well as the frequency of use and individual vaping habits. Therefore, while disposable vapes may offer initial savings, regular users might find pre-filled pod vapes or refillable vape kits more cost-effective over an extended period.

What Are The Problems Surrounding Disposable Vapes?

Disposable vapes, despite their convenience and popularity, have raised several concerns. One major issue is their environmental impact due to the significant amount of waste they generate. Since disposable vapes are designed for single use and typically cannot be recycled easily due to their mixed materials, they contribute to plastic pollution.

Another concern is the lack of regulation and quality control in the manufacturing process, leading to inconsistencies in product safety and reliability across different brands. Some disposable vapes have also been criticised for targeting underage users with attractive flavours and marketing tactics, which has sparked regulatory scrutiny (5). Addressing these problems requires balanced regulation, consumer education, and sustainable alternatives to mitigate the environmental impact while ensuring the safety and responsible use of disposable vapes.

How does e-waste from disposable vapes affect you?

E-waste from disposable vape devices poses significant environmental and health concerns that can affect individuals and communities. Disposable vapes contribute to electronic waste (e-waste) due to their single-use design and mixed materials, which are challenging to recycle. Improper disposal of these devices can lead to toxic substances leaching into soil and water, posing risks to ecosystems and human health. In the UK, an estimated 5 million disposable kits are thrown away each week.

The challenging nature of recycling disposables has resulted in the majority of expended disposables ending up in landfill, creating issues for waste management companies. The built-in batteries are mostly lithium-ion, and when the integrity of the battery is impacted it can lead to thermal runaway, causing potential short circuits and even fire. This explains the large increase in the frequency of fires at waste management sites, with one particular company, Grundon, spending £250,000 per site on new fire detection equipment (6). These waste management companies have contracts with local councils, so the increased cost to these companies may translate to increased council tax rates. There is also concern over the amount of heavy metals from these batteries contaminating nearby waterways.

Recycle vapes responsibly

Can You Recharge A Disposable Vape?

Generally no, the disposable vape range are designed for single-use and are not intended to be recharged. Attempting to recharge a disposable device can be unsafe and may damage the device or pose a risk of overheating or battery failure. Therefore, users are advised to use single use vape pens as directed and to dispose of them responsibly once they have reached the end of their lifespan.

More recently, we have seen the emergence of some 'rechargeable disposables', offering a degree of re-usability with a rechargeable battery, at least until the e-liquid runs out. In addition, while many of the batteries used in disposable vapes are capable of surviving over 700 cycles of low charge/discharge rate (7), most of these are going to waste as the sealed nature of the disposables makes it challenging to recycle properly. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and only attempt to charge a rechargeable disposable device.

The Best Menthol Tobacco Flavoured Vape

The best menthol tobacco-flavored vape offers a perfect blend of rich, robust tobacco taste with a refreshing menthol kick, providing a satisfying experience for those who enjoy the classic cigarette-like flavour with a cooling twist. Leading contenders in this category often come from well-known brands such as Lost Mary and Elf Bar, which are praised for their high-quality e-liquids and consistent performance. These vapes deliver a balanced flavour profile that replicates the sensation of smoking menthol cigarettes, making them a popular choice for smokers transitioning to vaping. When selecting the best menthol tobacco-flavored vape, factors such as nicotine strength, vapour production, and overall flavour quality should be considered to ensure a premium vaping experience.

At SMOKO, our rechargeable devices - the SMOKO VAPE POD and the SMOKO E-Cigarette - both feature a Menthol Tobacco flavour option for our pre-filled refills, in addition to a variety of flavours perfect for smokers making the switch! Our Virginia Rolling Tobacco flavour emulates a rich rolling tobacco and our Original Tobacco and Gold Tobacco flavours capture the smooth flavour offered by a range of traditional cigarettes. Featuring freebase nicotine to provide a throat hit like that real smoking sensation, SMOKO devices offer a perfect balance between single-use devices that lack re-usability and the vape mod style devices that populate the extremes of the vaping market.

Tobacco flavours are a great choice for smokers making the switch to vaping, however there is a vast range of flavours available for vaping. The names of some of the flavours marketed for disposable vapes have come under fire for appealing to youngsters, and is one of the issues highlighted in the reasoning for the disposable vape ban. Some of the flavours include tropical fruit, juicy watermelon, pink lemonade, punchy pineapple - needless to say there is a huge variety on offer across the entire range of disposables.

Are disposable vapes being banned UK?

There is no doubt that disposable brands offer ultimate convenience, but at what cost? We have covered some of the rising environmental concerns surrounding disposable vape bars in the UK, but one major concern is the increase in the prevalence of youth vaping. Naturally, there are concerns of a potential gateway effect of vaping leading to smoking, however there is little evidence to support that this is happening in a significant way. There is little doubt, though, that underage teens are getting their hands on nicotine disposables which is a concern due to the effect that nicotine has on the developing brain. (8)

So far, evidence indicates that nicotine use increases addictive behaviours in young people and there are studies that suggest a seven times higher odds of becoming a smoker one year later compared with those who had never vaped. While a true gateway effect is yet to be demonstrated, this concern is sufficient to have been a major contributing factor to the decision to ban disposable vapes in the UK, in addition to the environmental concerns.

Best Menthol Disposable Vape: Top Picks You Need to Try - Conclusion

Disposable vape pens offer a quick, convenient option for tackling nicotine cravings in a fashion similar to smoking. The wide range of flavours available creates great choices for adult smokers looking to quit and just starting their vaping journey, with many choosing the flavour of tobacco that best matches the type of tobacco they smoked. Most disposable vape brands offer a menthol tobacco flavour, but these flavours are available for re-usable devices, too!

If you smoked menthol tobacco traditional cigarettes, used menthol roll-up filters, or currently use a menthol disposable vape, then check out SMOKO E-Cigarettes! All of our devices feature a rechargeable battery and prefilled pods that you can change as you desire, and even recycle the empty refills with us for free - providing SMOKO customers with eco-friendly vape kits for ultimate peace of mind!

If you are seeking a hassle-free experience to get started on your vaping journey, or already are a heavy or a casual vaper using disposable vapes, make the switch with SMOKO!



(1) E-cigarettes: an evidence update - A report commissioned by Public Health

(2) Latest Cochrane Review finds high certainty evidence that nicotine e-cigarettes are more effective than traditional nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT) in helping people quit smoking

(3) Guidance - E-cigarettes: regulations for consumer products

(4) UK's top-selling vape is stripped from shelves over illegal level of nicotine: Company admits 'inadvertently' breaking the law after it emerges products exceed limit

(5) Vapes are becoming the new alcopops: How ruthless firms are targeting youngsters with cartoon characters and bubble-gum flavours

(6) Single-use vapes sparking surge in fires at UK waste plants

(7) Study finds that vast amounts of waste are caused by single-use e-cigarette batteries

(8) Nicotine and the young brain



Written by Dan Overgage

Dan Overgage – is a former smoker of 10 years until he became a client of SMOKO E-Cigarettes.  Dan started working with SMOKO 5 years ago after successfully quitting using our e-cigarettes and works across our Customer Service and heads up our content creation and research with a strong focus on all things quitting smoking.  During his tenure with SMOKO, Dan has written countless blogs and consults with countless clients every day to help them to stay smoke-free.

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SMOKO E Cigarettes



For the last 5 decades, doctors and medical professionals have been saying that smoking cigarettes is one of the worst things for your health.

Over 80,000 people a year die prematurely in the UK due to smoking-related diseases.

Cigarettes have been found to cause over 14 types of cancer, can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and lead to debilitating respiratory issues like COPD and asthma.

SMOKO E Cigarettes



Leading medical groups and researchers all agree that "e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking" because they don't have the same harmful chemicals in cigarettes.

From Public Health England, Cancer Research UK or the Royal College of Midwives, they all agree that quitting smoking or finding a healthier alternative like vaping is something all adult smokers should do immediately.

Some medical studies also show that nicotine can help to control your appetite - so vaping may help you to lose weight as well!

SMOKO E Cigarettes


We started SMOKO E-Cigarettes over 10 years ago to give adult smokers a realistic and less harmful alternative to smoking cigarettes.

Over the time, we have helped 10's of 1,000's of smokers in over 25 countries around the world to finally stop smoking for good! And many of our customers were very heavy smokers who have been able to quit!

SMOKO has prevented over 600,000,000 cigarettes from being smoked and stop 230,000 more each and every day!

SMOKO E Cigarettes


Many of the disposable vapes sold in convenience stores use Chinese made e-liquids and ingredients,

Here are SMOKO we do things very differently! All of the vape juice we use in our vaping products are created using the highest quality ingredients and flavours that are Made in the UK. This means you are getting the best vape kits in the UK.

We use freebase nicotine - instead of nic salts - in all of our e-liquids to create a more realistic smoking sensation and a stronger throat hit. We also have a great range of nicotine-free vapes!

SMOKO E Cigarettes are helping adult smokers to successfully quit tobacco


All the recent research does suggest that vaping is much safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. There are very few side effect of vaping you should be aware of the symptoms of vaping too much and how to control the amount of nicotine you consume.

But without the 4,000 chemicals, tar and 2nd hand smoke found with traditional tobacco, vaping is by far a better choice for a healthier lifesytle.

SMOKO E Cigarettes


In this financial crisis, smoking cigarettes is becoming unaffordable for most families. However, there is a misconception that vaping is expensive.

But vaping cheaper than smoking by up to 80%. A pack-a-day smoker could expect to save £10 a day compared to traditional tobacco.

So if you ready to save a fortune, it's time to switch to an affordable vape or e-cigarette today!