This weekend Leicester Lung Cancer specialist nurses are taking to the streets to teach people about the benefits of e-cigarettes
The move was inspired by National Lung Cancer Awareness Month and their aim is to educate people about the dangers of cigarettes, and how electronic cigarettes can help.
They want to help people to understand the early signs of lung cancer and the impact that cigarettes can have on your long-term health.
It has been proven for decades that cigarettes are almost inseparable and one of the leading causes of lung cancer. More than 86% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking, either directly or by 2nd hand smoke.
In fact 2nd hand smoke is linked to around 1 in 5 lung cancers in non smokers!
That's why the nurses from University Hospitals of Leicester are spreading the word about the benefits of e-cigarettes as an alternative.
As e-cigarettes only produce vapour and not smoke they have been endorsed by Public Health England to be much safer for you then cigarettes.
That also means that there is no chance of 2nd hand smoke either with e-cigarettes. 2nd hand smoke is the silent killer, as it still carried the 50+ carcinogens found in tobacco. At least as a smoker you accept that cancer is a possibility (after all the cigarettes packets are covered with warnings)! But even someone who has never smoked a cigarette in their life can get cancer from breathing in cigarette smoke.
The impact of 2nd hand smoke is even more devastating when it comes to children. Even if it isn't immediately apparent, a child who is around smoke daily is over twice as likely to develop lung cancer later in life.
That is what is so amazing about e-cigarettes, they don't harm you or the people around you, but you can still get the nicotine you crave!
And this is the message that the nurses will be teaching this weekend. They will be taking to the streets to try and get smokers to make the switch to a healthier alternative.
The reason that E-Cigarettes are so much better for you that smoking is what is in them, and what isn’t.
Unlike a cigarette, that has over 4000+ chemicals and 50+ carcinogens, an e-cigarette contains only 4 ingredients. Even better, 3 of the 4 ingredients have been tested and shown to be safe for humans, and the 4th ingredient is the nicotine!
Even nicotine by itself (away for tobacco) isn’t that bad for you. It is certainly addictive, and when it is in a cigarette that means you are becoming addicted to something extremely dangerous. As part of an e-cigarette though nicotine gives that throat hit that so many smokers need.
E-cigarettes then give the smoker the nicotine they need, but without all the cancer causing chemicals and toxins (like Arsenic) that cigarettes contain.
Because of only having 4 ingredients, Public Health England (the UK Health Agency) has stated that E-Cigarettes are “ at least 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes”.
As E-Cigarettes are 95% less harmful than cigarettes, it is also true that the vapour breathed out by vapers is also much less harmful. Unlike cigarettes and the huge dangers of 2nd hand smoke, e-cigarette vapour is harmless.
The only part of the vapour that might be an issue is the nicotine, and by the time the E-Cigarette user has breathed it out there is almost an indetectable amount of nicotine in the vapour.
As a side note, e-cigarette vapour is almost odourless (unless you get an extremely strong flavour).
This means that one of the invisible dangers of smoking, causing lung cancer to the people around you, just isn’t present with E-Cigarettes.
For those nurses though, while it is important to warn smokers about 2nd hand smoke, getting smokers to try and make the switch to E-Cigarettes was what was important.
That is because with e-cigarettes the chance of lung cancer shoots downward. As mentioned before, E-Cigarettes do not have the 50+ cancer causing chemicals in that each cigarette has. A smoker’s lungs are the first place that smoke is absorbed in a large quantity, and so most of these carcinogens will be deposited into the lungs.
Cancer Research UK says the same thing, and they even proved it with a Cancer Research UK funded study in 2016. They compared the amount of toxins and carcinogens in a smokers body, compared to an e-cigarette user.
The study showed that compared to cigarette smokers, e-cigarette users has a minuscule amount of toxins.
These nurses then were trying to do the most practical and effective thing to stop lung cancer, and that is to stop smokers smoking. However if you are a smoker you know that stopping a smoker using tobacco is easier said than done!
That’s why they talked about E-Cigarettes instead. As E-Cigarettes both taste and feel like a cigarette, just without the cancer-causing chemicals.
Even long-term smokers, who have tried nicotine patches and gum before, have found success with E-cigarettes. That is because smokers still get the hand to mouth feel like they had with a cigarette.
So if you want to take the advice of: the NHS nurses, the NHS in general, Public Health England and Cancer Research UK and make the switch, then try SMOKO!
With some great Starter Kit deals that will get you set up without breaking the bank, you can try our UK made e-liquids inside the pre-filled pods and see if you too can make the switch away from lung cancer causing cigarettes!