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A spitting vape normally involves too much e-liquid being in or around the coil. Too low power for your choice of e-liquid can cause the e-liquid to collect around the coil leading the liquid to be cooked rather than vaporised, which can cause spitting. Excess liquid getting into the chimney from drawing too hard can also result in some e-liquid coming out of the mouthpiece!
Is your vape spitting, or maybe your vape is gurgling uncontrollably?
Quitting smoking by switching to vaping is a great way to quit – not only is vaping at least 95% less harmful than cigarettes (according to Public Health England) but a study by the Oxford University indicates it could be up to twice as effective as other nicotine replacement products!
One of the reasons this may be is that vaping aims to provide nicotine to tackle a smoker’s nicotine craving, but in a way that is enjoyable like smoking a cigarette!
As E-Cigarettes not only help with the chemical addiction, but the physiological addiction (replicating the feel of holding a device and feeling the vapour in your lungs) it's no wonder that millions of smokers in the UK have made the switch with E-Cigarettes.
For quitting with an E-Cigarette to be as successful as possible it’s essential that the vaping experience is enjoyable and hassle-free! So when your vape starts spitting it can impact your confidence with the device as well as get you a bit of e-liquid in your mouth – which doesn’t taste as nice as the vaporised aerosol that your vape kit is meant to produce!
A gurgling vape normally involves an excess of e-liquid in some shape or form, however the reasons it happens can vary somewhat. Let’s look at why your vape is spitting and what you can do to solve it!
If your vape is spitting then we can assume that you are using a vape mod (sometimes called a box mod) or a vape pen.These devices allow some customisation so you can often choose a tank, coil and mouthpiece that suits you. As we will see by answering the question ‘why is my vape spitting’ this can sometimes be a curse rather than a blessing!
Filling your tank too high – As excess liquid is the main cause of a gurgling vape, filling the tank more than you need to could be causing all of your vape spitting problems.
Drawing or inhaling too hard – if you have a lot of e-liquid in your tank, the laws of physics dictate that the sucking action could lead to liquid making its way up the chimney and into your mouth.
Excess liquid in the chimney/centre post – As the sucking action happens through the chimney, this is where any excess liquid will get drawn into, potentially creating a seal that would lead to a strong inhale pulling that liquid out of the mouthpiece, into your mouth.
Over-saturated coil – this isn’t always caused by having too much liquid in your tank, it could be due to a crack in the tank or be down to coils that have been used for a while. An over-saturated coil is when there is too much liquid in the wicking material which leads to some of it ‘cooking’ instead of vaporising. This ‘cooking’ of the e-liquid can cause spitting.

Avoid filling your tank right to the top - This will prevent e-liquid trying to escape wherever it can and should encourage your vape to function as intended.
Try not to inhale with all your strength - If you are having to suck hard on your device to get anything out of it, chances are something is going wrong so check out these other explanations to tackle what may be causing your vape issues.
Clean your mouthpiece and chimney or centre post – performing regular maintenance is a great way to ensure your device is functioning optimally, that includes cleaning your vape! Using tissue or a cotton bud to clean the inside of the mouthpiece and the chimney will keep them clear of any liquid that happens to make its way up towards your mouth.
Don’t over-saturate the coil – Particularly when fitting a coil, try not to over-do it when it comes to adding liquid to the wicking material. You may be desperate to get vaping but letting your vape sit for 5 minutes will help to naturally saturate the wicking material next to the coils, instead of users adding an excess of liquid.
So you are experiencing a spitting vape – what can you do about it right here and now?
The good news is that this spit won't be harmful to you in these quantities, it will just be annoying. The CDC says that you need to drink about 50 to 60 milligrams of nicotine for it to be dangerous. To put that in perspective, one of our E-Cigarette refills (that has about 50 cigarettes worth of nicotine in) has a total of 1 milligram of nicotine.
That means you would have to drink 50 e-cigarette worth of liquid to even approach dangerous levels.
To get this fixed:
Try flicking the tank – a flick of your tank may help to dislodge or encourage any e-liquid that has climbed up the centre post, but a bit of tissue or a cotton bud may be able to achieve the same effect without having to empty your tank and perform a full clean.
Activate your vape battery before inhaling – This should get the e-liquid around the coil up to temperature so when you inhale it is vaporised and not still in liquid form. Try hitting the fire-button a few times until the popping sound stops.
Reduce airflow – If your vape or E-Cigarette has airflow control, reducing the airflow can help. This means that the liquid isn’t as quick to come away from the coil, ensuring it gets vaporised. You can try to take smaller inhales for a similar effect or if your device doesn’t have airflow control.
Increase the power – If you have a vape device with control over the power then increasing the power output can help to ensure the e-liquid at the coil is entirely vaporised. If you are using a disposable vape, then you won't have this option.
Change your coil – Over time, the wicking material around the coil can reduce in volume, making it easier to oversaturate. Changing to a new coil with fresh wicking material should mean it’s harder to over-saturate. A different type of coil may also improve how your device behaves with the e-liquid you choose – thicker e-liquids will do better with a multi-coil set up due to the improved surface area in contact with the e-liquid.
Change your e-liquid – The balance of Vegetable Glycerine (VG) to Propylene Glycol (PG) determines how thick your liquid is and therefore how easy it is to vaporise, but the thinner liquids may well find it easier to leak out of a crack in your tank or into the airflow. Liquids that favour higher levels of VG are thicker and so require a more powerful device to vaporise – this could be the source of your problem, so check what device works best with your e-liquid.
In case you hadn’t noticed, there are quite a few causes for a spitting vape.
While the root cause of a leaking vape is that you can be getting an excess of e-liquid somewhere, you may have to engage in some trial and error to isolate and solve the problem. You need to ensure you have spare coils, some cleaning utensils, possibly a different type of e-liquid or even a spare tank!
Even then, you may not be able to solve the issue when you are out and about, or it may require commandeering a table to lay out all your gear to begin the process of solving the problem. This is one reason why vape mods may not be the best vape kit for beginners and those who want a hassle-free vape kit.
This is where using a pre-filled device has the upper hand.

Pre-filled vape kits, like the SMOKO E-Cigarette and SMOKO VAPE POD, are designed with specific e-liquids in mind, found in the replaceable refills that also contain a fresh atomizer every time you change refills. This means there is no chance of using an inappropriate e-liquid and no atomizer deterioration to worry about.
No spare tanks needed, you just change your refill in the rare case you manage to cause some damage to the one currently in use.
No over-saturating your coil. The device is designed to be used with the e-liquid found in the refill so is the correct consistency for the fixed power output.
No leaking as the refills contain the atomizer and e-liquid in a small but sturdy container, overfilling isn’t an issue here either!
Smaller devices might also be more helpful to help you quit as well, according to a study by Cancer Research UK. They found that higher nicotine liquids with a low amount of vapour (like our our pre-filled devices) help new smokers quit more than lower nicotine e-liquids in larger mods which produce alot of vapour.
Choosing to vape with a vape mod or vape pen certainly has its challenges and for many smokers looking to quit, these can be a lot of extra work than necessary.
Solving issues for these vapes, like when your vape is spitting, on-the-go can be problematic or even impossible if you don’t have the right gear and you don’t happen to be near a vape shop that happens to have what you need to get things fixed. Finding yourself in this situation with a nicotine craving is a recipe for disaster and could lead to purchasing a low-quality vape or e-liquid – or even lead to a relapse through buying a pack of cigarettes.
At SMOKO, we are all about helping people to quit smoking and making it as easy as possible.
Quitting smoking is tough and we aim to take as much of the stress out of it as we can – we believe that pre-filled devices make things easiest for quitters and reduce the potential difficulties to an absolute minimum. Even carrying a spare E-Cigarette or VAPE POD on you is no stress because they are so small, convenient and a lot cheaper than buying a spare vape mod!
Don’t just take our word for it – check out our vaping reviews and see what our customers think of our vape kits that contain our fantastic UK made e-liquid, regulated by the UK’s MHRA for a high-quality product that is, according to Public Health England, at least 95% less harmful than smoking!
Make the Switch with SMOKO today by checking out the best vape kits UK deals below!
1) Public Health England's statement on the safety of E-Cigarettes compared to cigarettes
3) ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) article on the use of E-Cigarettes in the UK
4) CDC breakdown of nicotine and how much is dangerous
5) Cancer Research UK study on the affect of low nicotine e-liquid vs. high liquid
Written by Dan Overgage
Dan Overgage is a former smoker of 10 years until he became a client of SMOKO E-Cigarettes. Dan started working with SMOKO 5 years ago after successfully quitting using our e-cigarettes and works across our Customer Service and heads up our content creation and research with a strong focus on all things quitting smoking. During his tenure with SMOKO, Dan has written countless blogs and consults with countless clients every day to help them to stay smoke-free.