The inhale techniques used for vaping are: Mouth-to-lung (MTL), the inhale technique that smokers use for cigarettes and is when you draw on the device into your mouth, then inhale down to the lungs. Direct-to-lung (DL) is when you inhale directly to the lungs from the device. Mouth-to-lung devices are lower powered and don’t produce much vapour, making them the most economical when it comes to power and e-liquid consumption.
*2024 Update - Now you can enjoy a Mouth-To-Lung vaping experience with the new SMOKO VAPE POD!
In this Vapers’ Guide, we will be explaining the difference between Mouth-To-Lung versus Direct-To-Lung (MTL vs DTL vaping) and how these vaping styles work.
For an adult smoker who is starting to investigate how switching to e-cigarettes may help them to quit smoking cigarettes, you will find a plethora of information relating to the different types of vaping device, the best nicotine strength, e-liquids and terms like PG VG. So it can be a little confusing. We hope the information in this guide will help to clarify the best vape kit for getting away from cigarette smoke for good!
Mouth To Lung vaping (MTL) is one of the 2 types of designs of an e-cigarette. It is the most similar to smoking a real cigarette. When you draw on a MTL vape, it will be a very similar inhalation technique that you would do when you smoke. Simply drawing on the end of the vape pen will activate the battery and instantaneously vapourize the e-liquid that contains the nicotine in the vape pod to create a smoke-like vapour.
For many smokers looking for a realistic smoking sensation, a MTL e-cigarette or vape pen will deliver that authentic throat hit you are used to. That is why Mouth To Lung are a really popular way to start vaping.
MTL vape kits are a great way for a 1st time vaper to start vaping for the first time. There are 2 types of these to consider - a “closed” cigalike or pod kit or an “open” refillable vape kit.
Closed MTL cigalike or vape kits are the easiest style to use. They have a rechargeable battery, pre-filled vape pods or cartridges that are filled with flavoured e-liquids and a USB charger. Because the vape juice is already filled in the closed refill, there is no need for messy refilling and they are essentially leak-free. They have a decent battery life that should last for a full day of vaping for a pack a day smoker. More reasons why smokers like to use a closed cigalike or vape kit when they first quit.
Open MTL vape kits work in much the same way, however, instead of a pre-filled pod, they use a refillable tank and mtl coils and separate e-liquids. A user will have to add the e-liquid into the tank themselves and continuously maintain and replace the coils to ensure they get the best vaping experience.
Which type of e-liquids you should use in a MTL vape kit is a very important consideration. But to answer this frequently asked question, it is important to understand what is in an e-liquid and different types that are available.
E-Liquids are the flavoured liquid that contains nicotine and is used in all e-cigarettes and vapes. They contain 4 main ingredients. Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerine (VG) are food grade liquids that are used in candy, soft drinks, gum, ice cream, cake mixes and so many other foods we eat every day. There is also flavouring and nicotine in e-liquids.
Propylene Glycol is what gives you the realistic “throat hit” similar to smoking a cigarette. Whereas Vegetable Glycerine is what produces the “cloud” or vapour. The higher PG ratio in an e-liquid will give you a stronger, more realistic smoke-like experience. Conversely, the higher VG ratio in a vape juice will create more vapour.
When using a MTL vape or cigalike, we would always recommend a higher PG ratio in your e-liquids. At SMOKO, our 2 popular devices use an 80% PG / 20% VG formulation to create that authentic smoking sensation just like your cigarettes.
If you are leaning toward a closed MTL vape kit, you won’t have to worry about a vape tank as the pre-filled pods act as the tank and have a coil (small heating element which vapourizes the e-liquid) already built in. If you are looking to try an open system, you will have to understand what is the best tank for MTL vaping.
There are many various tanks and mods (modified vaping components) that are available on the market. However, we would always suggest using the tank that is designed to be used with the vape kit you decide to purchase. This will ensure the best performance of your device. When you start using 3rd party tanks with your vape battery, you could cause permanent damage to your device.
Similar to choosing the right tank, if you are using a closed MTL system, then you should always use the battery that is supplied with your vape kit. The batteries, refills and chargers are all designed and tested to safely work together. Most MTL batteries will be activated by drawing on the end - called automatic batteries. So there are no buttons to press to “turn on” your vape. It is always ready to go.
Some websites and brands may offer a range of replacement batteries for your vape kit. However, we would not suggest using a 3rd party battery for your MTL kit as it may not have been tested to work as effectively as the battery supplied by your vape brand you bought your vape from. MTL batteries are generally quite affordable to replace. For example, at SMOKO E-Cigarettes, we do weekly refill deals that include a FREE E-Cigarette battery!
Choosing the right nicotine strength in your Mouth-to-Lung vape kit will depend on how many cigarettes you smoke a day. Most MTL e-cigarette kits will have a decent range of nicotine in their refills for you to choose. At SMOKO, our most popular tobacco and menthol e-cigarette refills flavours come in 2.0%, 1.8%, 1.5% and 1.1% nicotine strengths.
Here is a handy guide to helping you choose the right nicotine strength to help you to quit smoking with the help or an electronic cigarette.
1.1% (11mg) – a few cigarettes a day (very light/social smokers)
1.5% (15mg) – less than 10 cigarettes a day (light/social smokers)
1.8% (18mg) – 10 to 20 cigarettes a day (average smokers)
2.0% (20mg) - 20+ cigarettes a day (heavier smoker)
If you are still smoking cigarettes but wanting to switch to vaping, here at SMOKO we would always recommend you start with the 2.0% nicotine strength in the e-cigarette or vape starter kit. Once you get used to vaping instead of smoking (it’s a really easy transition), then you can look to reduce the amount of nicotine if you wish.
A question that a lot of smokers may ask is what the benefits of mouth to lung vaping are. When compared to smoking cigarettes, most of the leading medical and health groups in the UK would always suggest that vaping is dramatically less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes. According to Cancer Research UK, they say that “the evidence so far shows that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than smoking”.
Here are some of the main benefits:
Less Harmful Than Cigarettes - cigarettes have over 4,000 chemicals and toxins as well as 50 known carcinogens (things that cause cancer). E-Cigarettes, in comparison, have 4 ingredients - Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerine, Flavouring and Nicotine.
Dramatically More Affordable Than Cigarettes - a pack of cigarettes in the major grocery stores in the UK will set you back £10.50+. To get the similar amount of nicotine using a MTL vape kit, you could expect to spend between £1.50 to £3.00. Over a 12 month period, a pack a day smoker could save up to £3,000 simply by switching to a cigalike from a great brand like SMOKO.

Smoking Cigarettes Is the Leading Preventable Cause of Death - Cigarettes lead to a myriad of debilitating and potentially fatal health conditions like heart attacks, strokes, respiratory diseases like COPD, up to 17 different types of cancers, diabetes and more. It is the lethal mix of thousands of chemicals, toxins and carcinogens that are found in cigarettes and 2nd hand cigarette smoke that makes smoking so detrimental to our health. E-Cigarettes and vaping may not be 100% safe, but all the leading medical evidence states that quitting completely is the best thing you can do. If you cannot quit without some extra help, then using an e-cigarette is far less harmful.
When you talk about the benefits of using a MTL Vape or E-Cigarette kit, here are some of the main ones that our customers rave about.
Easy To Use - MTL vapes and e-cigs are designed to be super easy to use with pre-filled refills and mimicking the manner you smoke normal cigarettes.
Realistic Throat Hit - due to the higher PG ratio in a mouth to lung vape, you will get a much more realistic throat hit compared to using a high VG e-liquid.
No Leaking or Messy Refilling - a big benefit of using a closed MTL e-cig is there is no need to refill your tanks or maintain or replace your coils. A pre-filled pod or cartridge that would come with your e-cig starter kit has everything you need to start vaping straight away.
If you want something that is as close to a cigarette as possible, then these benefits of mouth to lung vaping should definitely make your decision easier.
Similar to the previous sections on tanks and batteries for MTL vape kits, if you are using a closed e-cig kit with pre-filled refills, the coil is already built in. So just pop a new filter on and start enjoying that authentic smoking sensation that you are used to.
If you are going to look at an open MTL kit, then you will need to replace your MTL coils on a regular basis. Depending on how much you vape, you may need to replace your MTL coil every 2 to 4 weeks. We would always recommend that you use the replacement coils provided by your vape brand. Using 3rd party or modifying a MTL coil could cause damage to your batteries.
Direct To Lung or DTL vaping is the second style of vaping that you may have heard of. When you do DTL vaping, your device will “push” the vapour deep into your lungs. So imagine the smoke machines you would see in a nightclub and you can begin to visualize what direct to lung is.
DTL is most suited to a very experienced vaper who likes the show of the “clouds” and extra vapour that is produced. For many smokers switching to vaping for the first time, DTL inhaling will seem quite strange and may find it overwhelming. So if it is your first time, we would recommend starting with a closed MTL vape kit and see if you get on with that. If you feel you want more cloud, you may then want to consider trying a DTL vape mod.
Direct to Lung vape kits are much larger (and subsequently heavier) vape box mod devices that work in much the same way as a normal e-cigarette. They have a battery, a tank, replaceable coils for atomizers and then you add your e-liquid to them. To activate a DTL device, you need to press a button to turn on the magic and create the clouds.
When it comes to pricing of mouth to lung versus direct to lung vape kits, DTL vape kits tend to be much more expensive compared to their MTL counterparts because their batteries are much more powerful and have extra hardware and components. They are commonly referred to as box mods, sub ohm vapes or vape mods.
When using a DTL vape kit, you will need to move to a vape juice that has a much lower PG ratio and higher VG ratio. Due to the extra power and vapour they produce, if you stick with a higher PG e-liquid, you will definitely find the throat hit way too strong.
Most e-liquids designed for DTL vaping will be at least 70% VG (Vegetable Glycerine). They will create much more vape clouds but may not have quite the same intensity of flavour as a smaller device.
There is an endless selection of vape kits that use the direct to lung style. At SMOKO, we do not specialize in the larger DTL vape kits as we don’t feel they are as safe as smaller and more discreet MTL vape pens. But this is a personal choice.
So if you have your mind set on using a DTL Vape kit, we would recommend finding a UK based vape shop or brand that provides a service guarantee on their kits and who have some great customer reviews.
When you compare smoking cigarettes vs using DTL vaping, then most of the health benefits we mentioned previously will apply. Cigarettes are one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. They cause endless health problems and diseases, have a negative impact on the quality of your life and will prematurely kill 50% of smokers. Switching to any vape is a better option instead of smoking cigarettes. BUT (and this is a very bit but), we would recommend the following if you are DTL vaping.
Always Buy High Quality E-Liquids - over the last decade, the number of e-cigarette and e-liquids that are available has grown significantly. With that, there has been a segment of the industry who has chosen to provide ultra cheap e-liquids. Always check where your e-liquids are made and remember, cheaper is not always better when it comes to vaping.
Only Buy Regulated E-Cigarettes and Vapes - in May 2016, new laws and regulations came into effect in the UK and across the EU countries to provide safety guidelines for all vape, e-liquids and e-cigarettes. Any vape brand that is legally allowed to sell their products in the EU and the UK MUST follow these guidelines and submit their products to the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority). The rules and regulations that were put into place are to protect the end consumer from dodgy or potentially harmful vaping products.
So when you are buying any e-liquids or vape juice, batteries or vape kits, please always ensure they are regulated by the MHRA.
How to choose the right nicotine strength when you are Direct To Lung vaping is very important. As mentioned before, DTL vapes are much more powerful and produce a lot more vapour compared to a closed MTL vape kit. This may lead to vapers cough - a common symptom of over-vaping. So you will need to look at a much lower nicotine level to suit your cravings. Too much nicotine in a high powered vape box could make you feel sick or nauseous.
We would recommend using a 0.6% or 0.3% nicotine strength in a 70% VG / 30% PG e-liquid if you are using a DTL vape.
Similar to our advice about buying replacement batteries or tanks, you should always buy coils that have been designed to be used with your DL kits. There is a group of advanced vapers who build and modify their own coils but unless you have an engineering degree and a lot of free time on your hands, we would only recommend using the coils that are made for your kit.
Deciding which vaping style is right for you - Mouth To Lung or Direct To Lung - will depend on a number of factors that we have discussed above. But here is a simple guideline to understanding which is the right vape style for you.
If you are new to vaping or a cigarette smoker looking to quit and try a vape, we would always suggest using a smaller, closed system Mouth To Lung vape kit. There are easy to use, low maintenance, provide a satisfying throat hit, great battery life and are as close to smoking as you can get with an e-cigarette.
If you are just starting out with vaping and looking for a satisfying flavour experience, we would again recommend the MTL cigalike and vape starter kits. The range of flavours that are available in the pre-filled cartridges and pods is quite extensive (SMOKO has over 10 popular choices). They are realistic and satisfying and provide great authentic flavours.
Having explained mouth to lung versus direct to lung vaping styles, hopefully you have an idea of which one suits you! If you smoke cigarettes and are looking to switch but want lots of clouds, then many vape shops and brands would suggest you use a larger DTL vape kit. They may suggest it gives you a better vaping experience.
However, we would question your motivation for wanting big clouds when you are trying to quit. We have seen so many people who started on a big vape mod and then still continue to smoke cigarettes. Cloud and vapour are for show. And if you talk to a lot of people who don’t vape, they are not overly impressed by massive clouds lingering everywhere.
If you are serious about quitting cigarettes and want to try vaping, we would suggest that you find a device that delivers a satisfying smoking sensation with authentic flavours with the perfect amount of vapour.