Table of Contents
- Key Takeaways
- Understanding the Menthol Cigarette Ban
- Exploring Combustible Menthol Cigarette Alternatives
- Vaping as a Menthol Cigarette Alternative
- Heated Tobacco Products
- NEAFS Sticks and Other Tobacco-Free Options
- Choosing the Best Alternative to Your Usual Brand Menthol Cigarette
- The Importance of Quitting Smoking
- The Role of Nicotine Replacement Therapy
- The Impact of the Ban on Smokers
- Summary
- Glossary of Terms
- References
Key Takeaways
Following the ban on menthol cigarettes in May 2020, smokers who enjoy menthol cigarettes were relegated to using menthol filters and rolling tobacco or moving to non menthol cigarettes. While it is hopeful that this would have encouraged smokers to quit, these menthol enthusiasts had one other option - move to an E-Cigarette!
E-Cigarettes are considered to be 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes, so menthol smokers can get their favourite flavour experience when they quit smoking with SMOKO!
Understanding the Menthol Cigarette Ban
Back in 2020, Menthol cigarettes were banned with the introduction of the Tobacco Products Directive, or TPD, which is legislation brought in by the EU and adopted by the UK to further regulate tobacco products. While menthol cigarettes and other products containing menthol were banned, you can still buy menthol rolling papers and filters for rolling tobacco.
One of the main aims of regulations is to protect consumers, and the thinking behind the menthol cigarette ban was to reduce the sensory appeal of smoking to try to prevent appeal to young people and non-smokers.
The menthol flavoured tobacco products are perceived as easier to smoke by young people who try them, and evidence indicates around 43% of smokers' first cigarette was a menthol cigarette (1). This at least suggests that smokers who started with menthol may not have progressed on to normal cigarettes, or would not have continued to smoke, if menthol cigarettes were not available.
Exploring Combustible Menthol Cigarette Alternatives
The loss of menthol cigarette packets you can buy from retailers left menthol smokers with few options. However, fans of menthol were not the only ones; all flavoured tobacco was banned with the introduction of the TPD (2). Flavoured rolling papers and filters are not allowed to be packaged with tobacco products, but are still legally sold separately. This means many menthol cigarette smokers made the switch to rolling tobacco and started using menthol filters with flavoured crush balls to provide the menthol flavouring.
Other than that, menthol smokers could utilise menthol chewing tobacco or menthol snuff, however these provide a completely different experience to smoking.
Vaping as a Menthol Cigarette Alternative
Luckily, the timing of the menthol cigarette ban means that menthol smokers had the option to move to a less harmful alternative: E-Cigarettes. The public health benefits of vaping cannot be understated as it is not only less harmful to the user, but also those around the vaper. E-Cigarettes use a heating element to heat up a liquid, known as 'e-liquid' or 'vape juice', into an 'vapour' that can be inhaled. As the vaping process eliminates combustion from smoking, it avoids the production of nasty chemicals like tar and carbon monoxide that are known to be harmful when inhaled.
E-Cigarettes provide a very similar experience to smoking, where the user inhales the vapour produced by their vape device to deliver nicotine to the lungs. There are many advantages to E-Cigarettes, such as reduced cost compared to smoking, E-Cigarette vapour is considered to be around 95% less harmful than smoking (according to Public Health England), and the flavour options and differences between vape devices and even e-liquid can tailor your experience until it's perfect!
So - menthol flavoured E-Cigarettes make the perfect menthol cigarette substitute! Making the switch to vaping from smoking has a few challenges but by starting with a vape that mimics a cigarette - like the SMOKO E-Cigarette - and flavour that allows you to almost believe you are still smoking makes the switch that much easier.
Menthol enthusiasts may even appreciate a pure, fresh mint flavour to eliminate the underlying tobacco tone that provides the characterising flavour of tobacco that underlines menthol flavour E-Cigarettes. The great thing is that you can change your e-liquid flavour at a moments notice when you use a vape device that uses prefilled refills - like all devices in the SMOKO Vape and E-Cig range.

Heated Tobacco Products
Heated tobacco products, or HTPs, are a halfway-house between vaping and smoking. The aim of heated tobacco products is to eliminate combustion from the process of smoking, thereby reducing the harm to the user. The problem behind the data on HTPs is that most of the heated tobacco research is affiliated with tobacco companies.
The data from many of these studies has been assessed by independent researchers and while they were largely found to agree that HTPs produce less harmful chemicals than cigarette smoke, independent research did not always agree.
One particular study that is worth mentioning examined use of HTPs in humans in Japan, and assessed users after 90 days. Several indicators, like the levels of a protein used to assess levels of inflammation in the body, found there was no difference between the use of IQOS and cigarette smokers after 90 days (3). Compare this to E-Cigarette users, which studies indicate lower levels of this protein are found in the blood, suggesting a reduced inflammatory burden from E-Cigarettes compared with smoking and HTPs.
NEAFS Sticks and Other Tobacco-Free Options
A new inhalable product is NEAFS Sticks - these look like cigarette tubes, just like the tobacco ones used for IQOS, but contain cellulose fibres soaked in a mixture of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerine (VG), flavourings and nicotine (though nicotine free are also available). Placed inside a heating device like the IQOS, these sticks are heated and the user then inhales the vapour produced.
These sticks appear to be compatible with heated tobacco devices, but much like E-Cigarettes, they don't contain tobacco so don't include the many chemicals found in the tobacco plant known to be harmful and they also prevent the formation of harmful chemicals like tar and carbon monoxide by avoiding the combustion process. Instead, NEAFS Sticks use the same idea as 'snus' nicotine pouches by using what is essentially e-liquid (found in E-Cigarettes and vapes) to soak into plant fibres. This likely means that the harm from NEAFS sticks could be similar to the small risk presented by vaping.
Choosing the Best Alternative to Your Usual Brand Menthol Cigarette
So, what makes good menthol alternatives? Well, for smoking urges the E-Cigarette is a highly rates cigarette alternative. Vaping provides a very similar experience to smoking and so can mimic the subjective effects, helping vaper's feel like nothing has changed when they make the switch. This is what makes E-Cigarettes a powerful harm-reduction tool for smokers.
In the UK, the TPD regulations, in addition to the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations (TRPR), set a high standard for the production of E-Cigarettes and the exclusion of chemicals known to be harmful when inhaled, such as diacetyl and pentanedione. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) plays a significant role in E-Cigarette regulations as UK manufacturers submit their product to the MHRA for approval.
That means UK-made E-Cigarettes and e-liquid - like SMOKO E-Cigarettes - are likely the safest around. Evidence also shows that E-Cigarettes are more effective for quitting smoking than traditional forms of nicotine replacement therapy, and brings the same health benefits as quitting smoking like improve lung and cardiovascular function. Just be sure to use an appropriately high nicotine strength for your e-liquid to tackle your cigarette craving and nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
The Importance of Quitting Smoking
While the menthol cigarette ban may frustrate menthol smokers, there is no doubt about the harm that smoking brings. With 8 million smoking related deaths occurring worldwide every year and new estimates suggesting one cigarette costs you on average 20 minutes of life (4), the impetus to quit smoking is ethically a good thing, wherever that pressure comes from.
Readers may look at the figure of 1 cigarette costing 20 minutes of life, but it's important to recognise that we aren't talking about the very end of your life; we are talking about losing healthier years as the onset of smoking related disease will be brought forward with continued smoking.
With estimates suggesting it takes the average smoker over 30 quit attempts to finally pack in the cigs, it is wise to enlist all the methods that improve quit rates to give yourself the best chances of success. Going by the evidence, that means quitting with an E-Cigarette and utilising a smoking cessation program that your local stop smoking service can provide.

The Role of Nicotine Replacement Therapy
With a few choices for menthol cigarette alternatives in 2025, there has never been a better time to stop smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has been an option for smokers for decades and are generally considered very safe, however quit rates with NRT are still low even though evidence indicates NRT increases the chances of stopping smoking by 50% to 60%.
It is significant, then, that studies indicate E-Cigarettes can be almost twice as effective as NRT in helping smokers to quit (5). While E-Cigarettes have not been around for as long as traditional forms of NRT, like nicotine patches and nicotine gum, they are much less harmful than smoking when bought from a reputable supplier in a well-regulated market.
The Impact of the Ban on Smokers
It is always frustrating to have something you have done for years suddenly be disallowed, so the menthol cigarette ban is likely to have angered menthol cigarette smokers. As the ban included menthol pipe tobacco as well as menthol rolling tobacco, the only option for continuing to smoke menthol cigs was to use rolling tobacco with mentholated cigarette tubes, or filters. That would have been challenging due to the variation and varying price points of rolling tobacco to find one that suits - with the minimum size of rolling tobacco pouches available for sale in the UK being 30g, this could have been an expensive venture.
So if you weren't going to go down the route of 'menthol roll your owns', you are left with non menthol cigarettes or making the switch to different technology: nicotine replacement therapy, E-Cigarettes, heated tobacco products or products like NEAFS Sticks. Whichever you choose, the idea is to supply enough nicotine to your body to avoid cravings to smoke, and reduce the impact of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
This is where E-Cigarettes might have the upper hand over the other menthol cigarette alternatives - the ability to self dose and control the nicotine level in your e-liquid. With products like NRT, the nicotine strengths are limited and so some quitters see success with using multiple forms of NRT simultaneously; not the cheapest option and relies on keeping supplies of several products on your persons or at home.
Conversely, when you get started with prefilled E-Cigarettes, all you need is your battery and a refill or two for the day. You can dose whenever is appropriate, and there are a range of strengths for e-liquids to find the right level to start with, and then reduce over time if required. With a great range of different flavours available, you can keep your vaping experience fresh every day.
In conclusion, there are a variety of menthol cigarette alternatives available in the UK today. We'd highly recommend NOT just switching to rolling tobacco and using menthol filters - but opt instead for less harmful alternative products. That likely means avoiding products containing tobacco as these products still contain harmful chemicals from the tobacco plant itself, so even eliminating combustion with heated tobacco products doesn't eliminate as much harm as E-Cigarettes do - even if the tobacco companies suggest it does.
At SMOKO, our customers value a realistic smoking sensation - and with the SMOKO Cigalike E-Cigarette you even feel like you have a cigarette in your hand! SMOKO has been helping smokers to quit for over 10 years, prevented over 755 million cigarettes from being smoked, collectively saved our customers over 28 thousand years of life - so we aren't just 'blowing smoke' when we say that SMOKO E-Cigarettes are the UK's Premium E-Cigs and Vapes.
Glossary of Terms
Menthol cigarette: a type of cigarette that contains menthol, a flavouring agent.
Menthol cigarette ban: a ban on the sale of menthol cigarettes implemented in the UK on May 20, 2020.
Combustible menthol cigarette alternatives: products that can provide a similar experience to smoking menthol cigarettes without the ban.
Usual brand menthol cigarette: a smoker’s regular brand of menthol cigarette.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Products designed to deliver nicotine without smoking, like nicotine patches and nicotine gum.
E-Cigarette: Electronic device that heats e-liquid containing nicotine into a vapour that is inhaled by the user.
(2) Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
(4) Quit for a week and save a day, say health experts
Written by Dan Overgage
Dan Overgage is a former smoker of 10 years until he became a client of SMOKO E-Cigarettes. Dan started working with SMOKO 5 years ago after successfully quitting using our e-cigarettes and works across our Customer Service and heads up our content creation and research with a strong focus on all things quitting smoking. During his tenure with SMOKO, Dan has written countless blogs and consults with countless clients every day to help them to stay smoke-free.